Thursday, April 29, 2010

All is quiet

We had about 4 showings last week but nothing this week. All is showings and no offers. We are resting in the fact that God is in control. It is comforting to know that the selling of this house and the purchasing of another house is all in His hands. No warries!

A good conference

I went to a conference at West Highland Baptist Church last Saturday. The conference was put on by the Gospel Coalition. Check out their website. The topic was "the centrality and functionality of the gospel". The gospel is as much for the believer as it is for the unbeliever. The gospel should impact every area of our lives. One piece of wisdom I got from the conference was; "never listen to just 1 teacher or preacher-that will make you a clone...and not a good one at that. Don't listen to 2...that will make you confused. Listen to 40 or 50...that will make you a well-rounded and grounded christian."
So...on this website, there are numerous audio and video messages to listen to. I have not listened to much of them yet but if Saturday was an indication, they should be good.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Off to India

This dude, Dylan, is off to India in July. He is quite excited about it. He is working on getting a letter sent out and raise the funds needed to go.

A picture speaks a thousand words

We have numerous Bibles in our homes and in this country and yet millions of people don't have the Bible in their own language. (Display by Wycliffe Translators at Toronto Missionsfest)

Toronto Missionsfest

Last Saturday, April 17, Christine and I went to the Toronto Missionsfest. We spent the day at the GFA booth along with four volunteers. I was so amazed at how many people still have not heard of Gospel for Asia. I believe because it was held at the east end of Toronto, it attracted a mostly different crowd of people. Lots of great conversations and contacts and nearly 900 books were handed out for free.

Back where we started

It seems we have come full circle. We thought our house was sold 4 days after listing it but we don't know what has become of the buyers. They are supposedly trying to get financing but there has been no communication between them and us. The time period is well past for them to get financing so as far as we know, that has fallen through.
We also thought we had bought a new house but having a poor septic system and not selling our house, we will not be buying that house either. So...we are back where we started. We are thankful to know that our great God is in control. In that, there is peace.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not sold yet

No sale yet. The buyers still have not gotten their financing arranged yet. In the mean time, our house will be showing again and as a matter of fact, we have another showing tomorrow. The Lord is definitely in control. Sure better than me being in control!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Great Weekend

Sunday morning we all went to West Highland Baptist and heard a message from Brother George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization. He talked some about his own faults and failures and still being used of God in spite of his short-comings. He has written a proverbs which he hopes to add to the Bible. :-) "Where 2 or 3 believers are gathered together, sooner or later there will be a mess."

Christine and I had a great weekend in the Stayner area. I share at the Creemore Baptist Church what god is doing in our lives and what God is doing at GFA. I showed some pictures and shared our trip to the village of Banswara, Rajasthan, India. It is so good to see the pictures again for ourselves and be reminded again of all we seen and experienced.

I will update you tomorrow on whether we are homeless or not....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not the right one

The septic system inspection happened this morning at the house on Trinity Church Rd. We are very glad we had an inspection done before the deal was done. The septic system was in rough condition and was totally saturated with water. It was fine for 1 little old lady living there but if the 6 of us moved in there, it wouldn't know what hit it. It is awesome to see the Lord directing us in all of this.

Our house hasn't sold yet either. We are meeting with our realtor at 3:00 to give our purchasers an extension-til Monday-to get their financing together. We will also sign the release so the other house can go back on the market.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

An awesome GFA video

If you haven't watched it yet, please take 15 minutes and watch it. It is amazing how much these brothers pack into one day. Click here to watch "A day in the life of a mobile team". Be Blessed!

The waiting game

Yesterday, we put in another offer on the house on Trinity Church Rd and found out last night that it was accepted. We have some conditions to clear before the purchase is finalize but the people buying our house has not cleared their conditions yet. They are having trouble getting financing from the bank. So, we are waiting and waiting....they have till Friday or the everything falls apart. This is out of our control but it is in the Lord's hands. Whatever He wills is what we want. He can and will shut the door on this deal if we are not to have this house. Whichever way it goes, we will praise Him. Please pray for the Lord to continue to direct us and that we would be sensitive to His leading. Thank you!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

House Hunt

We have not looked at a lot of houses but the Lord has led us to a house near Binbrook that was listed the same day as we listed our and we feel from the Lord that this is the right house. The lot is 75' x 300' and the house has been well-maintained. So, we put an offer on the house after looking at it today for the second time. The offer is $20,000 lower than the asking price so we are praying that they will accept that as the Lord wills.

Our House is Sold

Last Saturday (March 27/10)we decided to put our house on the market. Last Wednesday night, it sold having been listed for only 4 day. We are thankful to feel the Lord leading and showing Himself in all of this. We know He has a house for us in a more country setting.