Dreaming. Always dreaming. That's me. Always thinking of things I could do with my life.
There are too many to pick from. Sigh.
There are many ways a person is brought to faith. Many things that help people come to an understanding and complete belief that the fantastic claims the Bible makes are true.
Like this one..... "And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died" Genesis 5:27
The claim that Methuselah died is not a fantastic one. After all death happens to the best of us. It's the number of days that came between his birth and last breath that is a bit hard to believe.
I can believe it for a number of scientific reasons. The earth was still young, hadn't been abused and polluted much. Humans were still close to being genetically pure. Good Ole Methuselah wasn't eating MacDonalds or Twinkies (he would have made a fantastic spokes-person for the organic/health organizations)
I can believe it for spiritual reasons. Cause God says so for starters. Then there is the fact that we were made in God's image. God doesn't die. It was only sin that seemed to bring a death sentence on us. We are spiritual beings that will live forever.
How do I know that for sure? I just believe it..... in my gut.
And for the simple fact that seventy to eighty years just isn't long enough to get all the things done that I want to do. We weren't created to muddle around for less then a century in which we get to only master one or two things and even at that spend a portion of our brief life wearing diapers and rubbing ointments on aching joints.
Don't get me wrong. I have no desire to live longer than the allotted "three score and ten years".....not on this old suffering world anyway, but I am looking forward to spending the rest of my countless years in eternity with my Creator.
I am not sure how heaven is going to look...actually I haven't the faintest clue..... but that doesn't stop me from believing in it and looking forward to it.
So, how does one bring the two worlds together. The dreams of "What I could do" and the Everyday of what needs to be done......
I am not a pro at it yet but I am learning. Learning to trust God with the every-days and the "could be's". I only want to do what He has for me to do. And for now most days it's dishes and laundry and I am actually becoming OK with that.
On those days when the day dreaming goes wild and I imagine orphanages or tea shops, farms and careers, book writing or Chef? the every day brings me back..... back to home ...the here and now and the age old question...."What do you want me to do with my life Lord? is answered...
"The dishes. It's time to do the dishes"
And I look, and behold the command is true and vital! Cause hence on yonder counter-top is a heap of unwashed pots, pans and utensils. Oh, glory be!!
And at once my life has meaning. It has purpose. I have a goal. Clean those wonderful dishes that God provided and when I wonder what is next....there is always so much to pick from!
Laundry, mending, ironing, school with the children, dusting and mopping, a friend for tea, phone calls, bills to be payed and organized, emails to check or write, can't forget that toilet that needs scrubbing. A quiet time with God, that's important! What about grocery shopping and the meals to dirty those plates again!? There's yard work and exercise. Library books to be read and returned. Movie or game? Beds to make. People to hug. Goodness, blogs to write!!
And so it is in the every day that I find purpose.
After all someone needs to do those dishes. Why not me!?
And come to think of it.... why not one of my children?
So I call out....."I need someone who knows how to use a t-towel! Reuuuuubennnn? Addddinaaaaaa?"
Come find a life purpose with your mother. Come learn to serve.
After all we all like to be served. And someone has to do it.
Why not me? Why not you?
No complaining either. You could have been born Methuselah, he dirtied (and most likely washed) dishes for close to a thousand years!! :) Buck up, you'll be doing good if you make it to one hundred!
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